Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sweet Kale Salad


I’ve learned to use the term “sweet” in yoga to describe the long, slow, mellow stretches at the end of class.  They round out the class nicely because the strong, more cardiovascular poses can get you a bit worked up.  It’s the same thing with this kale salad.  Like the intense poses, kale is so good for you with all its vitamins and minerals (including calcium!).  It’s also a more alkaline food, so it won’t stir up the out-of-control acids in your body, which is exciting.  The intensity of all this goodness needs to be tempered, and a sweet, smooth dressing made with honey will mellow things down.  The dressing is also great because it comes out a light green color, making a nice contrast to the dark green kale and the other intensely colored veggies.  If you want to cut back on fat grams you can reduce or replace the olive oil with vegetable broth.  Keep in mind—it’s still not fat-free because of Mr. Avocado there—but I won’t hold it against him.  He’s a really good fat once you get to know him.

To make this salad into a main course, which is what I do, add a cup of cooked brown rice, wheatberries, or other larger sized grain into the mix.  Brown rice will taste great with the dressing too, and having some starch in there will calm acidy stomachs.  Just remember to make it before you start the salad, giving it a chance to cool down, even if you have to stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Sweet Kale Salad


1 rib celery, diced
1 tsp garlic powder
2 T white wine (or 2 T lemon juice if you can tolerate it)
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 T avocado
2 tsp honey
salt and pepper to taste

a handful of sliced almonds

1/2 bunch kale (lacinato or dinosaur!)

4 carrots, thinly sliced

1 small bulb of fennel, transparently sliced

1 avocado (what is left after making the dressing), cut into small cubes

1 cup brown rice, wheatberries, or other larger grain


1. Make the dressing by putting all its ingredients in a food processor.  Blend until smooth and creamy.  Adjust honey, salt, and pepper to taste.

2. Warm a heavy pan or skillet (cast iron works best) over medium low heat.  When pan is hot throw in sliced almonds and toast for 3-5 minutes, until golden brown and aromatic. Pour almonds into a small bowl and set aside.

3. Wash and de-stem the kale, ripping the leaves into small, bite-sized pieces.  Place kale in large salad bowl and pour over it half the dressing.  Soften the kale by gently working the dressing through it with you hands so that all the leaves are coated.  Let it sit for a few minutes.

4. Add sliced carrots and fennel to the bowl of kale and toss until mixed.  To make the salad into a main course, as I have here, add cooked brown rice or wheatberries and toss.

5. Add cubed avocado and toasted almond slices and give it one last gentle toss.

6. Serve with a few toasted almond slices or the left over fennel fronds as garnish.

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